Exciting news from the Next Big Idea Club: Curators Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Cain, Adam Grant, and Daniel Pink have identified the two must-read nonfiction books of the Fall 2019 season! Next Big Idea Club members are about to dive headfirst into these groundbreaking books, getting the chance to connect directly with the authors and one another to maximize their learning experience.
Without further ado, the official selections are…

Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick
Professor Wendy Wood draws on three decades of original research to explain the fascinating science of how we form habits. Revealing why willpower alone is inadequate when trying to adopt new habits—or break old ones—she uses insights from neuroscience, case studies, and experiments conducted in her lab to give readers evidence-based strategies for making the changes we seek.
“Wendy Wood is the world’s leading expert on habits. Her vibrant writing challenges conventional wisdom and takes you on a tour of the evidence on how to make behavior change stick.” —Adam Grant

Artificial intelligence researcher Janelle Shane pulls back the curtain on the technology that has become so integral to our Facebook feeds, our Google searches, and life as we know it. Shane has taught AI to tell knock-knock jokes, design the perfect sandwich, and even flirt with humans, making her an ideal, witty guide through the inner workings of AI.
“Janelle Shane introduces you to a world that’s more unpredictable—and definitely wackier—than you likely imagined.” —Susan Cain